Built-in revenue manager for ambitious hotels

All the rooms and days in a year are not the same. Explore our ever-innovating revenue manager

    Put your revenue on autopilot

    Autopilot pricing

    Set revenue targets and let our system do the magic

    Rate shopping

    Know your competitors with our built-in rate shopper

    Rate plans

    Promo codes, expiry dates, and more

    Rate templates

    Seasonal rates and bulk rate strategies


    Guest-specific and stay-specific promo codes


    Minimum and the maximum length of stay, open or close rate plans, and cut-off dates

    Flexibility rules

    last minute bookings, day use room controls

    Business intelligence

    Special reports on pickup trends and alerts

    Packages (coming soon)

    Our labs are doing innovations here


    Revenue management on autopilot

    Yes, you heard it right. We give you the tools and services to define your revenue goals and deploy the right strategies. It goes beyond dynamic pricing.


    Intelligent algorithms to drive additional revenues on unsold rooms

    Our system understands your property and guest profile in real time and offers upsells to drive additional revenues.
    Check more on themagic link section.

    rate shopper

    Know your competition with a built-in rate shopper

    Always stay ahead of competitors with built-in rate comparison tools and automate the pricing strategies.

    Request rate shopper demo

    Try Stayflexi for free

    Hassle Free Migration. No Hidden Charges. An One stop solution for sales, marketing and operations of hotels and vacation rentals.

    Get Started