Journeying with the purpose - Top 7 ways to travel more Responsibly

Published on
June 14, 2023
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The past few years have brought attention to the impact of human actions on our planet. As we slowly emerge from the Covid pandemic, travel is regaining popularity, accompanied by a growing awareness of the importance of responsible and respectful travel. We must acknowledge travel as a privilege and treat it accordingly, being mindful and considerate in our actions. Thorough research, informed decision-making, and efforts to minimize our ecological footprint are crucial. It is essential to be the kind of traveler we would welcome in our own homeland and recognize our global responsibility to benefit the destinations we visit. Responsible travel goes beyond basic actions like conserving energy and reducing waste; it encompasses a range of significant and subtle choices that can make a meaningful and positive impact. Let us all strive for improvement, adopting a mindful approach and embarking on our journeys with a sense of responsibility. Our planet deserves nothing less from us.

  1. Research about your Destination:

Certain places, such as Bhutan, Chile, and Scandinavia, have gained global recognition for their dedicated efforts in preserving the natural diversity and cultural heritage of their lands. It is important to explore your chosen destination in depth to truly understand its intricacies and the sustainable practices implemented throughout the entire country. It is crucial to avoid engaging in unethical activities that exploit or show disrespect towards local cultures, harm wildlife, or pose threats to the natural ecosystem.

One remarkable example of a responsible destination is the enchanting kingdom of Bhutan, which demonstrates unwavering commitment to conservation. Bhutan holds the distinction of being the world's first carbon-negative country, and it also became the first nation to enshrine environmental protection as a constitutional law. Among its numerous stringent policies concerning the environment and culture, one mandate stands out: maintaining 60% forest cover on its land at all times.

  1. Respect Local Cultures:

One of the most valuable aspects of traveling is the opportunity to encounter and learn from the diverse individuals you meet on your journey. By immersing yourself in local communities, engaging sincerely and respectfully with different cultures, you can gain valuable insights into their longstanding traditions. Take the time to converse with the people you encounter, as each person has a unique story to share. Their tales of resilience and modesty are often surprising and can inspire a sense of humility within you.

It is crucial to demonstrate respect for cultural traditions and consistently be aware of local customs, beliefs, and etiquette. Before capturing photographs of individuals, always seek their permission. Endeavor to learn a few phrases in the local language as a gesture of goodwill. Additionally, if you have the means, consider giving back to the communities you visit, as a means of expressing gratitude and contributing to their well-being.

  1. Promote Local Business:

Look for organizations that actively contribute to the growth of the local economy and generate employment opportunities at various levels within their operations, ranging from housekeeping staff, chefs, and butlers to knowledgeable guides, sommeliers, and senior managers. It is equally important to assess whether a property or restaurant prioritizes locally sourced, ethically produced, and sustainable food.

Travelers can play a vital role in supporting the local economy while exploring new destinations by making conscious choices. This includes dining at local restaurants, uncovering hidden gems that are favored by locals, opting for local service providers, purchasing locally crafted souvenirs, contributing to community development or conservation initiatives in the area, and, of course, leaving tips whenever possible.

  1. Say NO to Plastic:

When selecting a destination, it's crucial to consider places where plastic usage is minimal and sustainable practices are encouraged. Opting for eco-conscious locations can help reduce our environmental impact and promote responsible tourism. Researching destinations that prioritize plastic alternatives, such as reusable materials or biodegradable options, ensures that we contribute to a cleaner future. While traveling, we should strive to minimize our personal plastic consumption. Packing reusable items like water bottles, shopping bags, and utensils can significantly reduce our reliance on single-use plastics. Additionally, choosing accommodations and restaurants that prioritize plastic-free initiatives further supports our commitment to reducing waste. Engaging in activities that promote environmental awareness, such as beach cleanups or conservation projects, allows us to actively contribute to the preservation of pristine ecosystems. By consciously selecting destinations and adopting sustainable habits, we can make a positive impact on the environment and inspire others to do the same.

  1. Pack Smart:

Responsible travelers have access to a plethora of simple packing techniques that promote sustainability. One effective strategy is to embrace the use of reusable packing cubes, which not only assist in organizing suitcase contents but also optimize space utilization, making the process of packing lighter and more environmentally friendly. Another essential item to include is a reusable bag, invaluable for day trips and shopping expeditions, effectively eliminating the need for superfluous plastic bags during your journey. Prioritizing eco-consciousness, it is advisable to travel with earbuds that are eco-friendly, while packing reusable laundry bags and shoe organizers instead of relying on disposable plastic bags. Additionally, it is wise to forgo the temptation to purchase travel-sized amenities for every holiday and opt for refillable bottles that can be reused countless times, contributing to sustainable practices. For those venturing to the beach, it is crucial to pack reef-friendly sunscreen and remember to bring along a reusable straw to enhance the enjoyment of beachside cocktails while minimizing single-use plastic waste. By embracing these diverse strategies, travelers can minimize their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable approach to exploration.

  1. Respect Nature and its diverse ecosyste

Always adopt a mindset of observing rather than interfering when you travel. As the popular saying suggests, restrict yourself to capturing photographs and leaving behind only footprints. Show reverence for the environment by refraining from littering and minimizing your impact.

When encountering wildlife, display respect and maintain a non-intrusive approach. Refrain from feeding animals, particularly the mischievous monkeys and baboons that tend to appear during mealtimes. Remain inside the safari vehicle during sightings unless explicitly instructed otherwise by the ranger. If you feel the need to stretch your legs or use the restroom, simply request assistance, and suitable arrangements will be made.

While on a safari, ensure that your hands, photographic equipment, GoPros, and selfie sticks remain within the confines of the vehicle. Although it may seem obvious (some individuals engage in peculiar behaviors), never make animal noises, snap your fingers, or call out to attract the attention of any creature, whether for photography purposes or otherwise.

The principle of observing rather than touching applies both above and below water. When snorkeling or scuba diving, avoid touching or standing on delicate coral reef systems, and resist the temptation to provoke or handle the inquisitive inhabitants of the ocean. Being able to witness Earth's wild creatures in their natural habitats is a privilege. Mother Nature consistently presents an awe-inspiring spectacle... It is our responsibility to observe it with the utmost respect.

  1. Explore deeper than the surface of lush greenery.

When choosing which travel companies to book with, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. In the current post-Covid landscape, numerous organizations claim to prioritize sustainability, making it important not to be misled by greenwashing.Rather than relying solely on words, it's essential to select travel companies that demonstrate their commitment to responsibility. Look for organizations that are transparent about their impact data, offer tangible and long-lasting contributions, and genuinely practice what they advocate for in terms of making a positive difference in the world.

Evaluate whether their impact strategy is clearly defined and easily accessible. Consider the sustainability of their day-to-day operations, such as their efforts to eliminate single-use plastic and their support for local sourcing of food. Assess whether they provide opportunities for local employment and actively support neighboring communities. Additionally, inquire about their approach to authentic cultural immersion, which should involve celebrating, respecting, and preserving cultural heritage and integrity. Most importantly, examine how they give back in a meaningful way to the environment, wildlife, and communities. A responsible organization worth considering should be able to present concrete and measurable data that addresses each of these critical areas of focus and goes above and beyond in their efforts.

To ensure responsible travel, we must first acknowledge that our commitment begins within our own homes and communities. It is through conscious decisions, both significant and subtle, that we can actively contribute to leaving a positive impact on our surroundings and ourselves. The choices we make in our daily lives carry the power to shape the future of our planet for generations to come. Let us remember that there is no alternative plan, no substitute planet—this is the only home we have. By taking responsibility for our actions and choices, we can pave the way for a sustainable and thriving future. Whether it's reducing our carbon footprint, supporting local businesses, or practicing mindful consumption, every decision matters. Let us embrace the understanding that our collective efforts, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in preserving our planet and ensuring a better world for future generations.

Happy Travels :)

Stay safe!

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